Zongbo Huang

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Last updated: Oct. 1, 2022

If you want a letter for post-graudate applications, please read the following carefully!

It is great to know that you want to pursue a higher degree!

The necessary condition for asking for a letter from me is to get an A in my courses. For classes with sizes above 150 (multiple sessions combined), a tighter condition applies (among the top 15% of the final grade), and our TAs will notify those among the top 15%.

  • If you fail to meet the necessary condition, I am afraid that, even if I agree to write a letter, my letter will be lukewarm and useless, if not harmful, for you. Thus, I suggest you reach out to other faculties who would write you a strong letter.
  • If you meet the necessary condition and want a letter from me, please send me an email in September, not earlier unless in special circumstances. I will reply if I am happy to write you a letter.

If I agree to write you a letter, here are the logistics:

  • Please find my information at my webpage at CUHK Shenzhen. My phone number is 0755-23518856. What you need to do is to fill in my information as your recommender when applying. The programs that you apply to will send an email to me. Then, I will upload a letter for you.
  • There is no need for you to provide a draft. Yet, please send me your CV, transcript, and a page of self-introduction which contains information that is not included in the CV and transcript. Please send these files to me via email when you start to apply.
  • The deadline for application is for you, but not for my letter. Please refrain from asking me whether I have sent your letter unless it has been three weeks after you submit your applications or under other special circumstances. I will send letters out in batches with some lags.
  • Please also refrain from sending me updating/other emails. I simply do not need any other infromation.
The template is by Vasilios Mavroudis. Thanks!